Title:Kanban System – Tamellin Innovates with Automated Spare Parts Warehouse in Collaboration with Würth

Tamellin, a leader in sheet metal processing, has implemented Würth’s intelligent Kanban shelving system to enhance efficiency in spare parts management. This solution allows real-time inventory monitoring, reducing the risk of overstocking or running out of supplies. The Kanban system operates on a just-in-time principle, automatically replenishing stock as it is consumed, eliminating the need …

Lean management: excellence evaluated by the University of Padua

Tamellin Srl achieved outstanding results in the recent Lean Assessment analysis conducted by the University of Padua regarding the maturity of lean management processes within the company. This study assessed the company’s ability to apply Lean principles, which are fundamental to improving efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction. Main results: These results confirm Tamellin as a …